Rock Factory  1.0
Unity3d component package for procedural rocks
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCRFBaseSideSettingsSettings for both standard and pro versions.
oCRFContourLineContour line. Isolines (a.k.a. contour lines) are lines connecting points of equal height.
oCRFDisplacementSettingsDisplacement settings.
oCRFDisplacementSettingsProDisplacement settings for pro version only.
oCRFGlobalSideSettingsSettings for standard version only.
oCRFGlobalSideSettingsProSettings for pro version only.
oCRFIVector22d integer vector.
oCRFIVector33d integer vector.
oCRFRockRock Factory main class.
oCRFRockDisplacementProcRock Factory displacement processor Core engine used by RFRock to generate a displacement map.
oCRFRockDisplacementProcProRock Factory pro displacement processor Core engine used by RFRock to generate a displacement map.
oCRFRockProcRock Factory processor Core engine used by RFRock to generate a mesh.
oCRFRockSideIndicesClass to store indices of a concatenated array which stores values of all sides.
oCRFRockSidesClass to store a value of type T per side.
oCRFRockSidesBoolClass to store a value of type bool per side.
oCRFRockSidesFloatClass to store a value of type float per side.
oCRFRockSidesIntClass to store a value of type int per side.
oCRFSettingsAll settings. Holds both global and side specific settings.
oCRFSettingsProAll pro version settings. Holds both global and side specific settings.
oCRFSideSettingsSettings for standard version and not in Global
\CRFSideSettingsProSettings for pro version and not in Global