System | |
Collections | |
Generic | |
IO | |
Text | |
UnityEditor | |
UnityEngine | |
MeshVisualiser | |
RFBaseSettings | |
RFBaseSideSettings | Settings for both standard and pro versions. |
RFContourLine | Contour line. Isolines (a.k.a. contour lines) are lines connecting points of equal height. |
RFDisplacementSettings | Displacement settings. |
RFDisplacementSettingsPro | Displacement settings for pro version only. |
RFGlobalSideSettings | Settings for standard version only. |
RFGlobalSideSettingsPro | Settings for pro version only. |
RFIVector2 | 2d integer vector. |
RFIVector3 | 3d integer vector. |
RFRock | Rock Factory main class. |
RFRockDisplacementProc | Rock Factory displacement processor Core engine used by RFRock to generate a displacement map. |
RFRockDisplacementProcPro | Rock Factory pro displacement processor Core engine used by RFRock to generate a displacement map. |
RFRockProc | Rock Factory processor Core engine used by RFRock to generate a mesh. |
RFRockSideIndices | Class to store indices of a concatenated array which stores values of all sides. |
RFRockSides | Class to store a value of type T per side. |
RFRockSidesBool | Class to store a value of type bool per side. |
RFRockSidesFloat | Class to store a value of type float per side. |
RFRockSidesInt | Class to store a value of type int per side. |
RFSettings | All settings. Holds both global and side specific settings. |
RFSettingsPro | All pro version settings. Holds both global and side specific settings. |
RFSideSettings | Settings for standard version and not in Global |
RFSideSettingsPro | Settings for pro version and not in Global |